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Monday, June 27, 2011

Our Miss USA Review!

What an incredible Top 2!
A HUGE congrats to all of our Miss USA girls and the gorgeous Alyssa, Miss USA 2011! Welcome to the sorority!!! A.T. and I were blown away by the bevy of beauties at Miss USA this year. Well, we weren't totally surprised....we did get a sneak peak at our retreat. :) After working with 44 of the girls and then seeing the rest of the contestants, what an amazing showing for our 60th Anniversary!

The format for the show definitely enticed my nerves as we watched it all go down at Planet Hollywood. With 11 of the Top 16, 5 in the Top 8 and a fantastic finish with the Top 4, we couldn't be more proud of everyone!

We get so close with the girls throughout the year so it is amazing to see all of their hard work pay off. These young women are some of the most inspiring girls we have ever worked with. We know that ANYTHING they aspire to in life, can be theirs!

If you want to be the next Miss USA, you're only one click away from following in these gorgeous footsteps! It all starts at the state level with a weekend pageant produced by highly professional Executive State Directors. 

I can honestly say that being Miss USA was a huge dream for me. I watched the show every year when I was growing up and not until I entered my state pageant, did I think I could be Miss USA. How do you get to where these girls are? Start today by entering your state pageant!

It is a weekend full of opportunities that I promise will change your life forever...just like our awesome Miss USA girls! This CAN be you!!!

Fore more information on how you can be the next Miss USA, click here!

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